Implementation of Problem Formulation Management in Improving the Quality of Research in Higher Education


  • Leli Nirmalasari University Utara Malaysia
  • Eka Purnama Harahap STMIK Raharja
  • Fitri Faradilla STMIK Raharja



Research, Problem Formulation, Thought Results


Basically in conducting a study there are problems that can be used as a means to
achieve a goal or goal in the study. Everyone who conducts research must have their own
method, concept, or method in formulating the problem that is the object of the research. In this
paper will explain the techniques or ways that can be done in relation to formulating problems in
research including determining a topic to be discussed in research, making background
problems, explaining problem identification, limiting the scope of research, determining
problems that are worthy of research, making questions in research, and determine the goals,
benefits, and uses of the research. With the concept of planning and mature thinking to
formulate and determine the formulation of the problem, it is expected that the research that will
be conducted will be focused and directed so that it does not extend to the discussion that is not
the topic of his research. With the formulation of this problem also the reader becomes aware of
the results and objectives to be conveyed in a study. Therefore in this study we will discuss the
steps or ways in preparing the formulation of a problem that is good and right in order to
facilitate the implementation of a research activity.


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How to Cite

Nirmalasari, L., Harahap, E. P., & Faradilla, F. (2018). Implementation of Problem Formulation Management in Improving the Quality of Research in Higher Education. APTISI Transactions on Management, 2(1), 20–27.

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